A lot has changed over the years. And, we know you have choices as to where you purchase the equipment you need to do your job. The fact that you’re here on our site means that you’re at least considering VON. While you’re noodling over that, you might want to factor in the following:
That’s a family name on those units. It’s not some faceless brand from who knows where. It’s a family of engineers who stand proudly behind their products. Believe it or not, that makes a difference.
We’ve been doing this a while. Our engineers have been innovating and creating solutions for hard-working utility workers since our patriarch, C.F. von Herrmann, formed the company around the commercial launch of the first ever man-portable, 100 kV class DC high pot.
Lastly, and arguably most importantly, we take service to the extreme. Look at a VON unit. Most of them are made to be gotten into easily. No, it’s not sexy having a row of cap nuts holding a panel on a cabinet. But, when you need to make a minor repair in the field you’ll be glad it’s built that way. And, if you need to call us, you’ll be able to talk to somebody who knows what they’re talking about, not a wet-behind-the-ears phone answerer who doesn’t know a capacitor from a crimping tool.