
Install Servisavor® in Lever Byapass Meter Socket

The LP-4J-SP4559 lever bypass meter adapater is designed to be installed in a lever bypass meter base to allow installation of a Servisavor® Temporary Restoration Device.

The LP-4J-SP4559 can be installed in 200 A and 320 A meter bases, including those with a restricted opening in position #3.

The adapter has an opening allow installation of the pigtail neutral.  Adapter allows closing of the lever and cover, and installation of the Servisavor® from the outside.  Servisavor® adapter can be secured with a meter ring.

Link to PDF on Lever Bypass Meter Adapter

The VON Corporation

1038 Lomb Avenue SW
Birmingham, AL 35211

(205) 788-2437

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